
How do I register to use English Trackers services?

I am unsure which service I require; what is the difference between editing and proofreading?

Could you explain the steps of your proofreading process?

What I'm really looking for is an editor to correct my English grammar. Can you help?

Document-related issues

How do I count the words in my document?

Why has my document been renamed?

Technical issues

How does the Track Changes tool work?

I’m not sure how to collect my job in my job space. Can you help?

I uploaded my first job 30 minutes ago and I still haven’t received an email informing me of my username and password. What should I do?

It says “In queue” next to my job. What does that mean?

I have uploaded my job but I haven't received an email notifying me of the return date for my job.

Pricing and payment

The instant quote form quoted USD24 to edit a 348-word CV at the normal rate. Is that correct?

I only submitted 375 words and yet my job and my invoice both say 500 words. Why?

I would like to upload more than one document and pay only once. Is that possible?

The price in euros that English Trackers quoted was slightly lower than the amount PayPal charged me in euros. Why?

I'm a first time customer and am keen to purchase English Trackers credit. How do I go about this?

English Trackers account

I would like to change my password to something that is easier to remember, can I do that myself?

Where can I check how much English Trackers credit I have in my account?

In my job space there seems to be an Editor and an Auditor. Why are there two people?

How can I delete an edited document from my Client space?


How can I be sure that my document will be treated confidentially?

I'm worried about using a pre-paid system.


What if I am unhappy with the finished job?

Are your editors qualified to edit my document?

Writing English

How can I improve my writing skills?

How can I improve my English editing skills?

Why is editing important?

How do you write website content?

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